Sameday Quote

Collection Postcode:

Delivery Postcode:

Email Address:

  I have read & accepted the terms & conditions.

Online Sameday Quotations are for guidance only. Please note that during the very high demands on the transport industry, sourcing reliable Sameday Courier resources is incurring additional charges due to increasing labour and running costs, we will always keep surcharges to a minimum but to ensure that your booking is dealt with quickly and efficiently, some “spot-pricing” will need to be applied, all quotations confirmed by one of our Sameday Controllers will be honoured, these can be emailed if desired, all calls are recorded. Quotation is for one-way journey only, for Wait & Returns, please call or email, waiting and loading time is not included in this quotation, up to 10 minutes is not charged, beyond this the full time is chargeable at £23.00 per hour, charged pro-rata. The estimated cost shown & emailed is for guidance only and is resource-based and relates to collection & delivery Monday to Friday 08.30 to 18.00 for Out of hours on Weekdays or on Saturdays, add 50% For Sundays and normal Public Holidays add 75%, for Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, New Year’s Eve & New Year’s Day, please call for a quotation. Please note: Wey Group International reserves the right to decline or cancel any booking.

Please Note:
Additional Charges
Journeys to or from London postcodes carry a London Surcharge of up to £40.00 to the online costing shown.
All journeys that start & finish within the postcodes of the same major city, will carry an "City-Surcharge" of up to £50.00.
Any journey of 15 miles or less will incur a minimum surcharge of £30.00.
Congestion or Toll or Ferry Charges are not included in the costing shown.

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